Called also „Palots Olympos” by local people, Karancs is the highest amongst Cserhát mountains. The lookout may be found on its middle, 729 m high peak, only some meters from the Hungarian-Slovakian border. From its top an amazing 360’ panorama unfolds in front of our eyes. Besides the surrounding mountains and volcanic butte, the snowy peaks of the High Tatras and the Danube-bend can also be seen by naked eyes in clean weather. You may find the nearby live webcam here.
If you go south from the lookout, after a 15 minutes walk on the southest peak of Karancs (Chapel-hill) you may find Chapel Saint Margaret dedicated to the Assumption. The chapel was built by Saint Margaret in the XIII. century, commemorating the survival of his father King Bela IV from the Turks. Stones of the original roman-style wall ruins can still be seen in the western wall. The building was renovated in 1927, however after World War II – after losing its function – it was damaged seriously, and counted as a chapel ruin monument for decades. The bishop of Eger has consecrated the chapel after the enthusiastic believers of the Karancs-valley villages renovated it in the early ’90s. Since then Catholics keep several Farewell here during the religious year.
We may find the hermitage only some steps from the chapel. It served as a home for hermits during the centuries. Its last resident was Ferenc Tarász in the ’30s of the last century. Above the hermitage we can find the recently erected Trianon-monument. The monument symbolising the three hills of Hungary, the Trianon-cross and the parts of Hungary being torn during the Trianon treaty was consecrated by Miklós Beer, bishop of Vác.