Medves-plateau, Hungary’s and also Europe’s biggest territory basalt region lies between the volcanic cones of the three bastion (Somoskő, Salgó and Szilváskő). Full of groves, meadows, forests, and with a panoramic view of Mátra and the adjacent Carpathian Mountains. Many people believes that Earth’s so-called wild pole (magnetic protrusion) famous for its healing powers is the strongest here after the North and South pole.
The 520-570 m high Medves-plateau still features the traces of the thriving mine industry that once characterized this landscape: tourists can easily find abandoned open-cast coalmines and quarries, while most of the tourist routes have been established on the terminated narrow-gauge railway traces formerly used to transport the excavated materials.
Full of natural water now, the Közép-bánya tó (Central Quarry Lake) gave place once to one of the oldest mines of the region. The lake bounded by high, vertical basalt rocks with its wild landscape offers spectacular views in every season. It’s interesting, that – as a proof of its unparalleled cleanliness – freshwater jellyfish lives inside the lake.
From the Mogyorósi-kilátó (Lookout) on the eastern edge of the plateau, besides the eye-catching panorama of Karancs, Witch Stone, Sátoros and Medves Magasa (Top of Medves) the peaks of Mátra (Kékes and Galyatető) can also be clearly seen, but beautiful photos of the Castle of Salgó could be taken here especially during sunset.